- Slow-dissolving, bromine-based organic compound for maintenance and disinfection of water in Spas
- Hypobromous acid destroys bacteria, algae and fungi, converting itself into bromide ion. Thus, the disinfecting agent resulting from the reaction of bromine tablets with water is hypobromous acid (active bromine). Hypochlorous acid acts as a bromine regeneration agent.
- Effective disinfectant against bacteria, algae and fungi, its disinfecting power does not depend on the pH on a scale between 7 and 8. Its high oxidizing power allows it to destroy all organic matter present in water
- The combination of bromine with organic amines results in compounds called bromamines (NHBr2) which, unlike chloramines (combination of chlorine with organic amines), do not decreases the disinfectant efficacy of bromine. Bromamines do not cause eye irritation or unpleasant odors. For this reason it becomes an ideal product to treat especially the water of Spas and indoor pools.
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