5 pasos para mantenimiento de piscina en invierno

5 steps for pool maintenance in winter

When the summer comes to an end, the pool still needs maintenance. If you want to know all the steps for pool maintenance in winter and save time and effort in the bathing season of next year, you cannot miss this article.

Do you want to know what is pool wintering and what are its advantages? Find out everything in our blog: Winterizing your pool: everything you don’t know

5 questions to ask yourself if you want to properly maintain your pool in winter

Do you plan to empty the pool?

If you are one of those who empties the pool every year, wait! You do not have to do it. With a correct use of chemical products or a saline chlorination system you don’t need it. Save water and money. In addition, emptying the pool often causes wear on the lining and interior materials of your pool. With the water they stay protected. And if you have to carry out some type of maintenance that involves emptying, make sure 100% that you have to empty it entirely and it is not enough for you to remove a few inches of water.

Find them in our online store:

  • Pool chemicals
  • Salt chlorinators
  • Do you use protectors as covers?

    The covers for swimming pools in winter allow you to save on chemical products as well as avoid accidents with the little ones at home. The covers used in winter are resistant and allow to block much of the dirt that may fall into the water. So they cannot be missing from your list of things to have prepared for your pool in winter.

    Find them in our online store:

  • Pool covers
  • Do you use water analysis products to check its status?

    You will already know that you must analyze the water in your pool regularly to check that all the levels are correct and thus apply the appropriate amount of products that your pool needs for its maintenance, but did you know that there are specific treatment products for swimming pools during the winter ? Greenhouses are products that are used only for water treatment when the pool is not in use. You must bear in mind that even if you use a winterizer, the environment influences the period that you need to carry out this treatment.

    Find them in our online store:

    Do you put the purifier in your pool in winter?

    Although the pool is not used in winter, it is necessary for the water to move, so it is recommended that you put the purifier to work once a week. If you have a sand purifier, you should wash it so that the sand does not cake. Also, remember to check the good condition of the equipment since during the winter it can accumulate leaves and dirt. Make sure it is well protected by grouping all your filter equipment in a sewage house.

    Find them in our online store:

    Do you have an automatic pool cleaner?

    If you are one of those who still do not trust in making an investment in an automatic pool cleaner, let us tell you that they are a safe bet for the whole year. Save time and effort by leaving the cleaning of the walls and floor of your pool in the hands of a robot cleaner. During the winter it is inevitable that the pool gets dirty but you can prevent it with an automatic pool cleaner. In addition to cleaning the interior of your pool, remember that you must clean the filters and pre-filters.

    Find them in our online store:

    Conclusions of pool maintenance in winter

    • Do not forget to buy specific products for the maintenace of your pool such as chemical products or greenhouses.
    • Remember to clean with the pool cleaner and the filter.
    • Check the water level to make sure everything is correct.
    • Cover your pool with a winter cover to avoid excess dirt caused by winds, rain, trees, etc.